

Morpion Solitaire

Draw as many five point lines as you can. Line can be drawn if any four of its points exist. Line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Lines may hit or cross each other, but shall not overlap.
(D)isjoint mode does not allow parallel lines to share an endpoint.(T)ouching mode allows parallel lines to use a same endpoint.
When using the mouse a helper line will assist you. On touch screen just press the end points of a line to be created. Yellow circle starts the line. Red appears after impossible selection. Green shows success.
Eraser will remove the latest line.
If a line is drawn over five existing points, you will get one spare point. This is displayed on the gray bar. This point can then be used, any time, to draw a line that needs two new points.

Reset Game
Mode: 5T / 5D 5T / 5D / 4T / 4D
In addition of the standard + shape, you can play any other premade start layout.
Select one of the below.
Each layout is listed twice, as (T) and (D) version.
In (T)ouching games, parallel lines can share an endpoint.
In (D)isjoint games, parallel lines cannot share an endpoint.

Wait, The list is loading..
Selecting one here, will reset the state of the current game.
You can also design your own start layout.
Start Design

Entering design will end current game.
Quit Design

Press on the game area to draw points. Pressing on existing point will remove the point. After suitable amount of points are drawn, you can test the layout by clicking the below button. It will open new window allowing you to play this layout. The design will continue in this window.
Try Play
Once the layout is complete, enter the below details and click save to upload the layout to the server.
Layout info
Creator info

Layout Name and Info fields will be public information for the layout. Creator name is currently private information, that could later be used to credit the creator.
Uploaded layout:
- will be visible and playable by all site visitors.
- can be rated, commented by other users (in the future).
- may be edited or removed if deemed pointless by the site admin.

Test play view

Play just like you normally would. When done, close this window, and return to the designing window.

The below settings change the functionality in this test game only, and can be modified during the play.

Close Window

Share Share the game and the current score:
Picture and links update when the game ends.

Version 0.7.0 ©2024 TTH.
Now you may also give me feedback.
See also: Myth.fi/Domino
